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TOMER (トマー)

Yoga Alignment, Somatic Yoga, yoga therapeutics, meditation


Cofounder of  Yoga Kuukan  in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Tomer has been teaching internationally, classes, workshops and retreats for the last 15 years.

He has been developing his own original teaching style, combining yoga therapeutics and alignment, based on different yoga styles.

Tomer had his first experiences with Yoga and Somatic Education at a very young age as he was born with several back conditions and had to use braces for years to support his back and shoulders. Years later, after long time studying in India, he went through an extensive yoga teacher training in Germany and participated in many workshops and trainings with some of the best teachers

from around the world. His journey of healing taught him how to guide others with their own practice and personal development.

YOGA KUUKAN (タイ、チェンマイ)共同創設者。過去15年に渡りデイリーヨガクラス、プライベートセッション、ワークショップなどを中心に世界各地で指導。様々なヨガスタイルをベースにアライメントとセラピーとしてのヨガを融合させた彼独自のティーチングスタイルを構築。



Self Care Qi Gong,Self Healing Qi Gong , Tai Chi ※The English text is below.


日本を離れ、海外での生活が続くこと約15年。2014年タイ、チェンマイにて、パートナーのTomerと共に”旅するスタジオ” YOGA KUUKANを立ち上げる。2019年現在は日本の鎌倉に拠点を移し活動中。2021/03/16 【湘南PEOPLE 】 にインタビューが掲載されました。









​2023年12月 VOGUE JAPANインタビューが掲載されました。

2021/03/16 【湘南PEOPLE 】Biople.jpインタビューが掲載されました。

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About Maika

Having left Japan, I spent approximately 15 years living abroad. In 2014, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I co-founded a “traveling studio” called YOGA KUUKAN with my partner, Tomer. As of 2019, I am based in Kamakura, Japan, where I continue my activities.

During my seven years living in Mexico, I woke up one morning to find that I had suddenly lost hearing in one ear. I nearly lost all hearing in that ear. Soon after, I was involved in a surfing accident, sustaining serious injuries to my neck and back. These two consecutive incidents forced me to reevaluate my mind and body. I began practicing Tai Chi seriously as a form of rehabilitation, having only dabbled in it before.

During my first experience with Qigong, tears began streaming down my face as I felt a release of all that had been pent up in my body and mind. The practice of strengthening my central axis through Tai Chi and Qigong significantly helped me regain balance after the hearing loss in one ear.

To deepen my understanding of Tai Chi and Qigong, I devoted time to learning from teachers around the world, including in Japan. Through continued practice, I discovered that regulating my breath was the key to harmonizing both the mind and body.

In a world where Indian-origin yoga has become a global phenomenon, I aim to make Qigong—a Chinese-origin practice often referred to as a "Chinese yoga"—more accessible to everyone. My unique lessons are based on Chinese health Qigong, combined with teachings from global masters and insights drawn from my own life experiences. (12 years of teaching experience)

About the Lessons

Throughout our lives, we learn many things from our parents, schools, and society. While we absorb countless valuable teachings, it is also true that we are taught many things without the opportunity to choose. Unknowingly, we layer ourselves with “armor” over time. One day, we might find that our true selves are completely buried beneath this armor, and the reflection in the mirror is not who we truly are but someone concealed by layers of protection.

Some may even find that the armor has become so heavy they can no longer move forward, prompting them to stop and reevaluate their lives.

In short, my Qigong lessons are akin to slowly removing those layers of armor, one at a time. In the Kamakura group lessons, we focus on seasonal health practices while drawing wisdom from ancient teachings such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoist philosophy. Rather than blindly adhering to these teachings, we adapt them to better suit our modern lives.

With balance as the key theme, we approach mind and body harmony from various perspectives. Practicing Qigong is about rediscovering your true self. Each session may bring small, personal insights.

Through the lessons, I hope to provide time for everyone to turn inward, find their center, cultivate a grounded and unwavering self, and rediscover their true essence. My goal is to empower individuals to live authentically and embrace a healthy, balanced life—both physically and mentally. I offer my classes in English and Japanese to people worldwide, centered on the simple yet profound theme of living truthfully and healthfully.

Interviews Featuring Maika

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